Results for 'Miguel Torres García'

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  1.  18
    The Evolution of a Practice in Trialectic Space: An Approach Inclusive of Norms and Performance.Miguel Torres García - 2018 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 19 (1):25-45.
    Practice theory has lately taken a turn towards modelling the evolution of practices, which appear situated at the centre of the study of social action. I argue in this paper, following previous criticisms, that such centrality can be revised in order to better incorporate elements of agency and normativity, which are much determinant of the emergence and development of practices. The aim of this paper is to propose an alternative heuristic which advances on lefebvrean trialectics, in order to better account (...)
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    Conception of university extension from Santiago of Cuba medical sciences.Daniel Sebastián García Torres, Rosandra Díaz Suárez, Miguel Enrique Sánchez Hechavarría & Mirelna Mendoza Ruíz - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):566-575.
    RESUMEN El presente artículo está dirigido a sistematizar una concepción teórica y metodológica que sustente el proceso de extensión universitaria en la carrera de Medicina en Cuba. Entre los resultados se destaca el lugar y papel de la extensión universitaria en el sistema de la formación integral del profesional a la que se asigna una connotación especial, de marcado contenido axiológico, coherente con las necesidades y proyecciones sociales que facilita la formación del educando y fortalece la relación institución-comunidad. Es factible (...)
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    Machine learning for electric energy consumption forecasting: Application to the Paraguayan system.Félix Morales-Mareco, Miguel García-Torres, Federico Divina, Diego H. Stalder & Carlos Sauer - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):1048-1072.
    In this paper we address the problem of short-term electric energy prediction using a time series forecasting approach applied to data generated by a Paraguayan electricity distribution provider. The dataset used in this work contains data collected over a three-year period. This is the first time that these data have been used; therefore, a preprocessing phase of the data was also performed. In particular, we propose a comparative study of various machine learning and statistical strategies with the objective of predicting (...)
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    Evolutionary processes and mother-child attachment in intentional change.S. Shaun Ho, Adrianna Torres-Garcia & James E. Swain - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (4):426-427.
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    The parental brain: A neural framework for study of teaching in humans and other animals.Hesun Erin Kim, Adrianna Torres-Garcia & James E. Swain - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    CAPOGRASSI, GIUSEPPE, La experiencia común, (Edición y traducción de Ana Llano Torres; Prólogo de Miguel García-Baró), Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid, 2020, 231 pp. [REVIEW]Sergio Sánchez-Migallón - 2020 - Anuario Filosófico 53 (2):373-376.
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    Reseña "Discursos del poder. Usos y abusos de la razón política" de Miguel Albujas D.; Carlos Kohn W.; Rafael García Torres; Corina Yoris Viillasana y Omar Astorga. [REVIEW]Ocarina Castillo D'Imperio - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (58):97-99.
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    Universalismo constructivo: contribución a la unificación del arte y la cultura de América.Joaquín Torres-García - 1944 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Poseidón.
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    Two varieties of disquotationalism.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero Sanchez-Miguel - 1994 - Philosophical Issues 5:177-188.
  10. The problem of slavery in Aristotle.Miguel Angel Garcia Mercado - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (239):151-165.
  11.  20
    Intersections Around Ambivalent Sexism: Internalized Homonegativity, Resistance to Heteronormativity and Other Correlates.Miguel Ángel López-Sáez, Dau García-Dauder & Ignacio Montero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article explores the connections between the construct of sexism and other sociodemographic and attitudinal variables, such as internalized homonegativity and heteronormative resistances, among psychology students. Both unrefined and inferential analyses were used with a representative sample of 841 psychology students from public universities in Madrid. Results showed higher levels of sexism, internalized homonegativity and low resistances to heteronormativity among groups of men, heterosexuals and conservatives. Interactions were found that showed a higher degree of hostile sexism in: heterosexual people with (...)
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    Formal inferences and their relationships to knowledge acquisition: mental models and semantic links.Miguel López Astorga & Leyla Danae Torres-Bravo - 2020 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (2).
    The mental model theory is an approach with clear psychological, linguistic, and cognitive consequences. This paper delves into some of the epistemological conclusions that can be drawn from it. In particular, it addresses the process why knowledge acquisition can modify the inferences people tend to make. That process is described by means of an example based on a well-known logical schema related to the conditional: Modus Tollendo Tollens.
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    The grounds for the model-theoretic account of the logical properties.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero Sanchez-Miguel - 1993 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (1):107-131.
  14.  16
    Using one’s body: sex, money and agency from the coast to the backlands of Northeast Brazil.Jose Miguel Nieto Olivar & Loreley Gomes Garcia - 2021 - Feminist Theory 22 (3):361-380.
    This article presents a discussion about using one’s body – in its several occurrences, forms and meanings – for sex, affection and money transactions, within and beyond the scope of prostitution. It results from research carried out with young women involved in prostitution in two Brazilian north-eastern towns. The women’s views, conceptualisations and experiences reveal a prolific construction of discursive differentiation categories, which are linked to a set of moralities within local/regional economies and within notions of family. Through the women’s (...)
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  15. La plenitud de identidad real.Miguel A. García Valdecasas - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (55):615-626.
    The purpose of this paper is to study Leonardo Polo's conception of the principle of identity. This identity is also called Origin; however, an adequate understanding of that expression requires a careful study of the way man comes to be aware of it.
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    Correlate Attitudes Toward LGBT and Sexism in Spanish Psychology Students.Miguel Ángel López-Sáez, Dau García-Dauder & Ignacio Montero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Transgenic Crops: Implications for Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture.Miguel A. Altieri & Maria Alice Garcia - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (4):335-353.
    The potential for genetically modified (GM) crops to threaten biodiversity conservation and sustainable agriculture is substantial. Megadiverse countries and centers of origin and/or diversity of crop species are particularly vulnerable regions. The future of sustainable agriculture may be irreversibly jeopardized by contamination of in situ preserved genetic resources threatening a strategic resource for the world—s food security. Because GM crops are truly biological novelties, their release into the environment poses concerns about the unpredictable ecological and evolutionary responses that GM species (...)
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  18. Nominalismo, lenguaje trascendental y crítica de la experiencia cognoscitiva en Wittgenstein.Miguel A. García Valdecasas - 2005 - Studia Poliana 7:209-237.
    Este trabajo se ocupa de tres aspectos principales de la filosofía del lenguaje de Wittgenstein: la teoría de la forma lógica, la teoría de los objetos del Tractatus y la crítica la teoría de los sense-data. Las tesis de Wittgenstein se compararán con el pensamiento de Leonardo Polo y, especialmente, con algunas afirmaciones de Polo en torno al nominalismo, la constitución de un lenguaje trascendental y el concepto de conocimiento en Wittgenstein.
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    Observation of Metacognitive Skills in Natural Environments: A Longitudinal Study With Mixed Methods.María Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares, Miguel Ángel Queiruga Dios, César Ignacio García-Osorio, Eduardo Montero García & Jairo Rodríguez-Medina - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Valence of emotions and moral decision-making: increased pleasantness to pleasant images and decreased unpleasantness to unpleasant images are associated with utilitarian choices in healthy adults.Martina Carmona-Perera, Celia Martí-García, Miguel Pérez-García & Antonio Verdejo-García - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The grounds for the model-theoretic account of the logical properties.Manuel García-Carpintero Sánchez-Miguel - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (1):107-131.
  22. Leibniz on the Principle of the Best, Optimism, and Divine Freedom.Juan Garcia Torres - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Leibniz’s account of moral necessity does double heavy-duty: it aims a) to provide explanations of divine choices without rendering these divine choices metaphysically necessary, thus permitting for divine freedom; and b) to ground the conviction that God did the best God could have done in creating the world, or Leibnizian Optimism. I present a novel interpretation of what Leibniz calls ‘the principle of the best’ as a second-order will to do what is best (read de dicto) that grounds a set (...)
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    Reinforcement Learning with Probabilistic Boolean Network Models of Smart Grid Devices.Pedro Juan Rivera Torres, Carlos Gershenson García, María Fernanda Sánchez Puig & Samir Kanaan Izquierdo - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    The area of smart power grids needs to constantly improve its efficiency and resilience, to provide high quality electrical power in a resilient grid, while managing faults and avoiding failures. Achieving this requires high component reliability, adequate maintenance, and a studied failure occurrence. Correct system operation involves those activities and novel methodologies to detect, classify, and isolate faults and failures and model and simulate processes with predictive algorithms and analytics. In this paper, we showcase the application of a complex-adaptive, self-organizing (...)
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    Are you ready for retirement? The influence of values on membership in voluntary organizations in midlife and old age.Julia Sánchez-García, Andrea Vega-Tinoco, Ana I. Gil-Lacruz, Diana C. Mira-Tamayo, Miguel Moya & Marta Gil-Lacruz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Membership in voluntary organizations is associated with individual and social benefits. Due to the negative consequences of the global pandemic on older people, and the governmental challenges posed by population aging, voluntary membership is of great importance to society. To effectively promote volunteering among older people, it is necessary to understand the determinants of voluntary membership. This study analyses the influence of individual values—secular/traditional and survival/self-expression–on voluntary membership among European adults. Specifically, it examines which values orient two age groups, as (...)
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    Does Social Performance Really Lead to Financial Performance? Accounting for Endogeneity.Roberto Garcia-Castro, Miguel A. Ariño & Miguel A. Canela - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (1):107-126.
    The empirical relationship between a firm’s social performance and its financial performance is still not well established in the literature. Despite more than 30 years of research and more than 100 empirical studies on the issue, the results are still mixed. We argue that the heterogeneous results found in previous studies are not due exclusively to problems related with the measurement instruments or the samples used. Instead, we posit that a more fundamental problem related with the endogeneity of social strategic (...)
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  26. Actualidad de la filosofía primera. Nota breve.Miguel García-Baró López - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 10:72-79.
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  27. Fenomenología transcendental y teología racional.Miguel García-Baró López - 1987 - Diálogo Filosófico 8:145-158.
  28. La expansión de la fenomenología.Miguel García-Baró López & Juan José García Norro - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido, El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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  29. El dolor no enseña siempre.Miguel García-Baró López - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (981):27-31.
    Los antiguos poetas de Grecia, hombres inspirados, describían nuestra existencia con una serie de rasgos entre los que no solían olvidar, como si éste los resumiera todos por fin, el de el ser que aguanta. No nos atribuían inteligencia, ni práctica ni teórica; tampoco nos concedías potencia para llevar a cabo nuestros planes; menos aún, vida sin fin. Pensaban, más bien, de nosotros que somos soberbios y que la soberbia nos ofusca, y que somos supersticiosos, crueles, avariciosos.
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  30. La revolución fenomenológica.Miguel García-Baró López - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido, El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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    Filosofía en música y filosofía de la música de Juan David García Bacca.Miguel Angel Palacios Garoz & Juan David García Bacca - 1997
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    Ecologías del combate: asedios primeros.Guillermo Torres Carral, Sansón Figueroa, Josué Miguel, Ruiz Albarrán & Enrique Israel (eds.) - 2017 - Chapingo, Edo. de México: Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Departametnto de Sociología Rural.
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    Algunas reflexiones sobre innovación docente en el marco del Proyecto Bolonia.Miguel Valero García - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):117-122.
    En este artículo se presentan algunas reflexiones que se alimentan en cerca ya de 10 años de experimentación en materia de innovación docente estimulada por el proceso de construcción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Algunas de estas reflexiones tienen que ver con la forma en que una buena parte del profesorado que se ha embarcado en la aventura está viviendo el proceso de innovación docente. Otras reflexiones tienen que ver con la forma en que la institución está facilitando (o (...)
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    Reflexiones filosóficas y políticas alrededor de los efectos sociales y culturales de un modelo de dominación: el caso colombiano.Jairo Miguel Torres Oviedo - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:433-442.
    En el presente análisis se realiza un análisis filosófico y político sobre el proceso de dominación en Colombia, haciendo una mirada de las razones que han mantenido la existencia del conflicto social, político, económico y cultural que ha tenido unas expresiones armadas; posteriormente se abordaran, los efectos culturales que generan la dominación en relación a la dignidad humana y la imagen social. Igualmente se hará una mirada a las salidas políticas, económicas y sociales que se le ha dado al fenómeno (...)
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    Leyendo el miedo. Miguel Ángel Oeste y la posmodernidad.Pedro García Suárez & Miguel Tomás Magaña Terrón - 2023 - Arbor 199 (810):a736.
    Desde un punto de vista interdisciplinar, esta investigación explora la forma en que la palabra miedo funciona en la novela de Miguel Ángel Oeste Vengo de ese miedo (2022). A partir de este análisis, el trabajo pretende dar cuenta de la problemática de la identidad y la búsqueda del sentido del ser humano en el mundo contemporáneo, esclarecer la importancia del cuerpo y las emociones en la sociedad posmoderna y arrojar más luz sobre una de las tendencias más importantes (...)
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    The proactive historian: Methodological opportunities presented by the new archives documenting genomics.Miguel García-Sancho - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 55 (C):70-82.
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  37. A New Insight into Sanger’s Development of Sequencing: From Proteins to DNA, 1943–1977.Miguel García-Sancho - 2010 - Journal of the History of Biology 43 (2):265-323.
    Fred Sanger, the inventor of the first protein, RNA and DNA sequencing methods, has traditionally been seen as a technical scientist, engaged in laboratory bench work and not interested at all in intellectual debates in biology. In his autobiography and commentaries by fellow researchers, he is portrayed as having a trajectory exclusively dependent on technological progress. The scarce historical scholarship on Sanger partially challenges these accounts by highlighting the importance of professional contacts, institutional and disciplinary moves in his career, spanning (...)
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  38. Noticia sobre la edición de la "Obra Completa" de Manuel García Morente.Juan Miguel Palacios García - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13:285-291.
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  39. Emilio Uranga and Jorge Portilla on Accidentality as a Decolonial Tool.Juan Garcia Torres - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (1):55-80.
    Call ‘a substance’ a person who is at home in a relatively stable and unified sense-making framework: a social structure that to some degree specifies which categories are important for interpreting reality, which goals are worth pursing, which character traits are admirable, etc. Call ‘an accident’ a person who is not at home in one such framework. It is tempting to think that being a substance is preferable, but I present some considerations for thinking otherwise. Mexican philosophers Emilio Uranga and (...)
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  40. Sobre la naturaleza y ámbito del diálogo.Miguel García-Baró López - 2006 - Critica 56 (938):18-23.
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    Romerales, Enrique. Concepciones de lo divino. Introducción a la Teología Filosófica.Miguel García-baró - 1999 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 4:412.
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  42. Contribuciones filosóficas de ockham a la formación Del concepto de razón pública.Miguel Ángel Ruiz García - 2009 - Escritos 17 (38):54-74.
    En este artículo el autor realiza una interpretación del libro Sobre el gobierno tiránico del papa del filósofo medieval Guillermo de Ockham. En la exposición se ofrecen argumentos para justificar varias tesis: la primera, desmontar el prejuicio de que la ilustración moderna abandonó o canceló los contenidos y el procedimiento hermenéutico del pensamiento medieval. La segunda consiste en postular que en el libro citado se encuentran las raíces filosóficas de algunos conceptos centrales del pensamiento político y moral del liberalismo moderno (...)
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    Historias largas y su papel en el discurso científico actual: los casos de la secuenciación, la biocomputación y la genómica.Miguel García Sancho - 2010 - In María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo, Claves actuales de pensamiento. Madrid: CSIC/Plaza y Valdés.
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    Un nuevo enfoque en la investigación de la documentación árabe granadina romanceada (ilustrado con dos traducciones inéditas de Bernardino Xarafí, escribano y romanceador del Reino de Granada).Manuel C. Feria García, Juan Pablo & Arias Torres - 2005 - Al-Qantara 26 (1):191-247.
    Propuesta de un nuevo y complementario enfoque —el traductológico— para el estudio de los romanceamientos granadinos considerados en cuanto que testimonios únicos para la historia de la traducción del árabe al español y la historia del arabismo en España. Dicho enfoque se lleva aquí a la práctica ilustrado con dos romanceamientos inéditos llevados a cabo en 1517 por Bemardino Xarafí, escribano público y romanceador de la ciudad de Granada y su Reino. La edición de los mismos se acompaña de un (...)
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  45. Origins of Biological Teleology: How Constraints Represent Ends.Miguel García-Valdecasas & Terrence W. Deacon - 2024 - Synthese 204 (75):1-28.
    To naturalize the concept of teleological causality in biology it is not enough to avoid assuming backward causation or positing the existence of an inscrutable te- leological essence like the élan vital. We must also specify how the causality of or- ganisms is distinct from the causality of designed artifacts like thermostats or asym- metrically oriented processes like the ubiquitous increase of entropy. Historically, the concept of teleological causality in biology has been based on an analogy to the familiar experience (...)
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    La religión como inocencia.Miguel García-Baró López - 1996 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 1:75-84.
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  47. Carlos Vaz Ferreira on Freedom and Determinism.Juan Garcia Torres - 2022 - Res Philosophica 99 (4):377-402.
    Carlos Vaz Ferreira argues that the problem of freedom is conceptually distinct from the problem of causal determinism. The problem of freedom is ultimately a problem regarding the ontologically independent agency of a being, and the problem of determinism is a problem regarding explanations of events or acts in terms of the totality of their antecedent causal conditions. As Vaz Ferreira sees it, failing to keep these problems apart gives rise to merely apparent but unreal puzzles pertaining to the nature (...)
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  48. The Ethics of Ethnic Identity: Jorge Portilla versus Christine Korsgaard.Juan Garcia Torres - forthcoming - Res Philosophica.
    From the thought of mid-twentieth century Mexican philosopher Jorge Portilla, I develop an account of what I call ‘ethics of ethnic identity,’ which include: a) a set of norms of agency grounded in ethnic identity, or ethnic norms of agency—reasons for action and obligations that spring from a given ethnic identity, and b) a type of normativity governing these ethnic norms of agency. I argue that one of the theoretical advantages of this account is that it fares well with respect (...)
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    Dangerous Worldview and Perceived Sociopolitical Control: Two Mechanisms to Understand Trust in Authoritarian Political Leaders in Economically Threatening Contexts.Laura C. Torres-Vega, Josefa Ruiz & Miguel Moya - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this research we analyzed the relationship between threatening economic contexts and trust in authoritarian ideologies and leaders, regardless of the left–right political axis. Based on two theoretical approaches, we argue that this relationship is mediated by dangerous worldview and low perceived sociopolitical control. We conducted two correlational studies with samples of the general population. In Study 1, we found that perceived threat from the economic crisis and low socioeconomic status were correlated with a higher dangerous worldview, which resulted in (...)
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  50. El desmantelamiento kantiano de la teología racional Y el esbozo de Una pragmática Del creer.Miguel Ángel Ruiz García - 2008 - Escritos 16 (37):361-389.
    Este escrito retoma el planteamiento que Kant elaboró sobre el sentido y el uso de la idea de Dios en el conjunto de los intereses de la razón, cuestión que se halla planteada en la parte de la Crítica de la razón pura titulada Dialéctica trascendental. Esta reinterpretación de Kant tendrá como uno de sus propósitos delinear los pasos que Kant dio en el desmontaje o en el desmantelamiento de la teología racional. En un segundo momento, apreciar las implicaciones que (...)
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